行礼 salute; give [make] a salute 行注目[持枪; 举手]礼 salute with eye[rifle; the hand]; 行答礼 take the salute; 行屈膝礼 bob
恭敬 respectful; with great respect 他恭敬地听老师讲课。 he gave reverent attention to the teacher
鞠躬 1.(弯身行礼) bow 深深地鞠一个躬 make a deep bow; bow low; 相互鞠躬行礼 exchange bows; 弯腰鞠躬 bow from the waist; 告别时的鞠躬 a parting bow; 他对我彬彬有礼地鞠了一躬。 he made a very civil bow to me. 主人鞠躬迎接客人进屋。 the host bowed his guests in.2.[书面语] (小心谨慎的样子) in a discreet and scrupulous manner
深深 profoundly; deeply; keenly 深深地爱 deeply love; 深深地感谢 be deeply grateful (to sb. for sth.); 深深感到 feel keenly; 深深热爱 ... cherish a deep love for ...; 深深的鞠躬 a profound bow